Good News. For those who previously applied for the above Bursary Scheme but rejected due to PCI over quota (Max of $500).
The Enhanced CDC-CCC Scheme now has been extended with PCI up to $850, and the quantum to $750 annual.
* Do not hestitate. Go get application Form from CVC and apply for it!. :>
How to calculate PCI:
> Total Family Income within the same Roof. (TotalIncome)
> Total Number of Head within the same Roof (TotalHead)
> PCI = TotalIncome/TotalHead
Eg :
Family :
a) Father --> $1400 (Salary - Construction Foreworker)
b) Mum --> Nil (HseWife)
c) Son1 --> $1900 (ITE Graduate as IT Technician)
d) daugther1 --> student
e) son2 --> student
TotalIncome ==> $1400 + $1900 = $3300
TotalHead == 5
PCI =$3300/5 = $660 PCI
(Bingo! You are Eligible for the Enhanced CDC-CCC Bursary to receive $750 Quantum!)
The Following Students has been identified with PCI between 500 to 850.
(Eligible for the Enhanced Bursary)
Tay Dao Song
Jerome Tan
Ian Teong