Monday, September 24, 2012

Progress to Higher Nitec after your Nitec course?

Aspiring to Progress to Higher Nitec after your Nitec course?
Here is the opportunity to realise your dreams!

Application for progression to Higher Nitec courses will open in January 2013. The dates will be published in The Straits Times, The New Paper and on the ITE website after the release of 2012 GCE ‘O’ Levels exam results.

 Here are some things to take note before applying (Do consult class advisor (me) if you need further advice)

1)    Who can apply?

In order to apply for progression to a Higher Nitec course:

a) You must be a Nitec graduate or full-time Nitec student in your final term of study with the following minimum GPA score (including CCA bonus) in your Nitec course: 

 b) You must be able to attend classes which will start in Apr 2013

c) National Service (NS) liable males who wish to pursue full-time ITE courses in 2013 and were born in the year 1992 or earlier (for ITE Graduates seeking progression to Higher Nitec courses) will have to check their eligibility for NS Deferment at the Central Manpower Base (CMPB). Only those who are eligible for NS deferment will be allowed to enroll in the course 

2)    How can you apply?

The application procedures for progression to Higher Nitec courses are: 

3) When will the application results be released? 

Application results for progression to Higher Nitec courses will be released on:

* Please refer to ITE homepage at, click on “Apply for ITE Courses”, followed by "Application for Full-Time Higher Nitec Courses for April 2013 Intake" and “Application Schedule” to view the actual date of release of application results during the application period.

-       If you have applied for other Higher Nitec courses, you can check your application outcome via the Internet on the above release date. A step-by-step guide will be provided on the Application Verification Slip (Important: please print and keep the Verification Slip upon submission of your application).

If you have applied for courses under the Special Admissions Exercise, as listed on Page 1, you will be notified of your application outcome on the above release date by the ITE College offering the course by post or phone.


Lastly, please be reminded that School reopen on Monday 1st October 2012