Thursday, August 25, 2011

transport subsidy scheme by Tzu Chi Foundation

Tzu Chi Foundation is offering a transport subsidy scheme to students of ITE College East. To be eligible for this subsidy, a student must satisfy the following eligibility criteria:

Applicant must be a Singapore Citizen or Permanent Resident.

Applicant’s gross monthly household per capita income (PCI) must not exceed $750.

Applicant must be living in a HDB 4-room flat or smaller. Applicant living in 5-room flat/executive flat may apply but this will be subject to review.

Applicant’s attendance must be at least 75%.

Applicant should preferably be from the 5111 or 5114 intake. Applicant from the 5104 intake who is needy may also apply. However, please note that ALL applicants MUST have at least 3 months’ study to undergo till the end of the academic year, at the point of application.

Applicant must be staying more than 1km away from the school.\

Students who are keen to apply for this scheme may pick up an application form from our Customer & Visitor Centre (CVC). All completed application forms together with supporting income documents are to be deposited into the Student Services dropbox @ CVC.

All applications submitted are subject to Tzu Chi's review/approval. Following the receipt of application, Tzu Chi will arrange for a visit to the applicant's home to ascertain his financial neediness.

Students who submit their applications by 15 Sep 2011 and are approved by Tzu Chi, will receive their transport subsidy starting from Jan 2012 to Dec 2012.

Application for the transport subsidy will continue to be open to all students after 15 Sep 11. However, Tzu Chi will adjust the commencement date of their transport subsidies accordingly.

The transport subsidy application form and eligibility criteria are enclosed for your information.

For those intereste, please look for me for the application form

WorkShop for Students

Dear All

Below are 3 workshop opening. Please be encourage to sign up for the
free workshop

Public Speaking - 28 Oct, 2.30pm to 6.30pm
Basic Leadership - 15 Oct, 9am - 5pm
Time Management - 28 Oct, 2.30pm to 6.30pm

Let me know by Tomorrow (Friday) if you want to register for the

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Enrichment programme : Introduction to HTML 5

Enrichment programme to All students. Pls be encouraged to attend, especially those who need more CCA enrichment hours.

Programme name: Introduction to HTML 5

Description: Students will be introduced to the new features in HTML 5 as compared to HTML 4.01, which include new markup, media, canvas and form elements. Students will gain hands-on experience in creating HTML 5 web pages.

Prerequisite: Students need to have basic knowledge on HTML and are able to create simple HTML web pages.
Date: Friday, 9 Sept
Time: 2-4pm
Venue: B04-20
Class size: max. 25

Please register your name with me if you are keen by Monday.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

IFA - Market Research

Form group of 4 and do presentation on the following topic on Market Research

Q1) What is Market Research (Definition)?
Q2) Type of Market Research
    a) What are the 2 type of Market Research
    b) Compare and contrast between them
Q3) Objective and Purpose of Market Research
Q4) Market Research Technique
    a) List and describe the 5 type of technique
Q5) Web‐Based Market Research
    a) What is Web‐Based Market Research
    b) List the Advantages and Disadvantages
Q6)Customer Relationship Management
    a) What is CRM
    b) Compare and contrast between “Technology Enabled CRM” And “Traditional CRM”
Q7) Define and discu ss the 4 ways of collecting Marketing information over the web.

IFA Project Grouping

Please group yourself into group of 4 (Nominate a Leader),
for IFA Project.

Require to
==> Make Powerpoint Slide
==> Presentation.

For those who have not form team or no team, please look for me asap.


Friday, August 19, 2011

Annual Temperature Taking Exercise

Next Week (Week 22/23 Aug) , there will be a annual Temperature Taking Exercise.
Please be reminded to bring your thermometer.

Your body Temperature (shld be below 37.6) are required to be captured and submit to the school.

For students without temperature badges or thermometers, you have to purchase them at the Co-op.

Students with a temperature of 37.6oC and above should see a doctor and not report to the campus. The temperature taking on campus will be done during the first lesson of the day for the morning, and once again, the first lesson after the lunch break.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Monday, August 8, 2011

Student with Poor Attendance Rate

The following students has been suffering from very Bad Attendance Rate :

StudentAffected Module
1) Yong TuckIFA, NWF , SW1,*************
2) Damien IFA, NWF, PM1, SW1
3) Chee Cheong IFA, NWF,**************
4) Mhd Syaiful IFA NWF**************
5) Iman MatinIFA, NWF, SW1**************
6) Gary TeoIFA, NWF, SW1,
7) Yang Ting IFA, NWF, PM1,
8) SAIFFUL FASIHEEN IFA, NWF, SW1, **************
9) Mhd Munir IFA,NWF
10) Zheng Han SW1**************

*********** Those who have not seen me for the Attendance Review. Please see me ASAP.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

PE dept would like to invite All students to the FREE Kickboxing FUN session every FRIDAY at 12.30pm. Venue is the Amphitheatre. These FREE sessions will start this Friday, 5 August 2011 to 26 August 2011.

The FREE Kickboxing FUN sessions are part of the Mass Group Exercise Programme to encourage participation in physical activity and have FUN.The students can participate at their own pace. Please be encourage to attend.

You just need to come down and join in the fun.

If you need more information, please contact me or Venetia Pestana at 65449274 or


Dear All :

The Periodical System Generated Attendance Notification Letters will be executing next week.
The Systems will be sending out notification (warning) Letters to students/parents fpr those
who did not fulfil the basic minimum attendance percentage of 90%.

Please attends CARE lesson every friday to review attendance rate.


Tuesday, August 2, 2011

NDP 2011 Celebration at ITE-CE -- 8 Aug 2011 (Mon)

9th Aug 2011 Tuesday is a public holiday, it is our National Day

On 8th Aug 2011, Monday, it is half day off for all students. There will be celebration in
the campus as well. Attendance will be taken for the events.




0900 hrs

Guests and Students to be Seated

0930 hrs

Arrival of Guest-of-Honour (TBC)

0945 hrs

0955 hrs

Observance Ceremony (15 min)

Marching Team - NCC Flag Bearers & Drummers

National Anthem, Pledge & ITE Song

Principal’s Speech

1000 hrs

Performance (45 min)


Tea Reception

1115 hrs

Programme Closure




0930 hrs

Students to be Seated

1000 hrs

1005 hrs

Observance Ceremony (10 min)

National Anthem, Pledge & ITE Song

Senior Management’s Speech (Kerwin Hing, M/CAS/CE)

1010 hrs

Performance (50 mins)

1100 hrs

End of Programme




0920 hrs

Guests and Students to be Seated

0945 hrs

Observance Ceremony (15 min)

National Anthem, Pledge & ITE Song

Principal’s Speech(delivered by a Senior Mgt Staff)

1000 hrs

Sporting Competition

Inter-School Mixed Team Dodge Ball Competition

1100 hrs

Prize Presentation

1115 hrs

End of Programme