Wednesday, February 9, 2011

PC Road Show on 9 to 10 Feb '11

Venue : Admin Blk, Atrium.

For Needy Students, Pls be encouraged to make use of the Opportunity Fund to purchase the PC/Netbooks. The OF subsidy is high, hence it is affordable for most students.

Singaporean students with gross monthly per capita income of $750 and below may apply for Opportunity Fund (for purchase of netbooks/laptops/desktops) at the roadshow to subsidise the PC purchase. Students must bring along supporting income documents. With the Opportunity Fund (OF) subsidy (20% of the cost of the PC subject to a cap of $500), students need not pay for the full purchase price of the PC. The vendor will bill ITE for the amount that is subsidised under OF, with the balance to be paid by students upon delivery of the PC.

Application Form for Opportunity Fund can be obtained from CVC.

You can apply for subsidy using the OF fund during the PC road show.

Make sure you have the relevant document eg payslips

Objectives :

Having a UMPC/Notebook PC will allow you to :

- Access learning materials anytime, anywhere

- Create your own elog

- Access Link Portal

- Communicates with classmates/staff via email/Facebook

- Connect to internet to search for information