Sunday, March 20, 2011

LOW Attendance CASES

Please be reminded that Attending Module Lesson are very Important.
And to maintain high Attendance Rate is the duty of every students.

Low Attendance Rate will result in *Debarment.

Debarment are very serious CASES that will result in failure in the particular module.

Failure in any module (even non-core module like LifeSkill/Sport & Wellness) will
result in student cannot graduate and have to repeat 6 to 12 months for the failure modules.

*Debarment --> student are debarred from (disallowed to take) taking Exam/Practical Phase Test/Module Project etc.

Many various excuses are being received that are not officially acceptable for non-attending
of Module Lessons. Only Acceptable Cases are Take MC and apply for Leave (AL).
See below for a list of various cases :-

Non Attendance CASES for Module Lesson
Unofficial/Not Acceptable
Official/Acceptable (MC/AL)

over slept

Sick - Fever, Injury, etc (Take MC)


Immediate Family member Passed away
(Apply for Passionate Leave)

cannot sleep

Taking Car/Bike Test
(Apply Leave)

wake up late

Wedding of Immediate Family member
(Aply Leave)


Other CASES -
Consult CA/other Teachers for validity reasons.

take care of youngs in family

Got to Work PartTime

Have to Study for Another
Module Test

Spring Cleaning at home due to various reasons like Bed Bugs, etc
Traffic Jams. MRT delayed. Bus delayed, etc

To Date :-
Low Attendance Rate for :
(a) LifeSkill : more than 10
(b) Sport & Wellness : more than 10
(c) Java & IT Essential : Less than 5

Those affected Students. Attendance rate are improving comparing to the previous Month (Feb)
Keep it up!.

(D) Consistently showing Non Attendance to Module Lesson and giving Unofficial/Unacceptable Reasons --> One!

The one affected Student, please read above for the consequences.